Welcome to Oak Hill Elementary School

2024-2025 Approved Calendar
2024-2025 Approved Calendar (Spanish)

Updated September 9, 2024

Welcome to Newton County,
Dr. Bradley!


Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Oak Hill Elementary School, home of the red and black bulldogs. The faculty and staff join me in saying we’re happy to have you as part of the Oak Hill family.

I would like to encourage you to visit and use our school’s website often. It contains information about PTO, a calendar of events and other important information. Links to the Georgia Milestones practice site, our cafeteria menu, Infinite Campus, and Meal-pay can also be found on our site.

One of the ways we communicate with our parents is through the school agenda. Take time to review your child’s agenda each day. It will contain their homework assignments and other comments from your child’s teacher. Please sign the agenda each day to show that you are aware of your child’s assignments. Also, our agenda contains both the OHES school handbook and the Newton County Elementary School Handbook. It should answer many of your questions.

 I am sure that working together we will make this a successful year for your child.

I encourage you to make a commitment for your children to attend school each day. Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time. Tardiness and absenteeism affect a child’s ability to obtain the full benefit from the instructional day .Our school motto is a simple one: “Knowledge grows here.” Our faculty and staff look forward to serving you and your child. If I can assist you in any way, please contact me.

Dr. Brenda Gammans, Ph. D.


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